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Zoster (‬Shingles‭) ‬Vaccine

(Snake) Also known as shingles, it is a painful band-like rash with blisters.

(Snake) is a disease caused by the same type of chickenpox virus. After chickenpox has healed, the virus will lie dormant in the nerves of the human body, and will become active again in the days to come, causing "raw snakes". Therefore, anyone who has contracted chickenpox has the opportunity to "snake."

Even after the rash has healed, nerve pain can continue for months or years. Especially as you get older, your risk of sequelae will increase.

High-risk people:


  • People over 50

  • People who have been infected with varicella virus

  • People with low immunity

  • Stressful / Sleepless

  • Patients with chronic diseases such as: diabetes / hypertension / lupus erythematosus and cancer patients, etc.

How to prevent (raw snake)

Raw snakes can be prevented. To prevent raw snakes, we recommend early vaccination (snake needles).

The main prevention effects of injection of snake needle vaccine are:

  1. Raw snake (zoster) virus lurking in the body

  2. Nervous pain after the snake

  3. Acute and chronic pain caused by snakes

Zoster (‬Shingles‭) ‬Vaccine We Recommend

The shingles vaccine Zostavax (Snake Needle) can help reduce the chance of (snake), and reduce the pain and various sequelae caused by (snake). Studies have shown that the shingles vaccine, Zostavax, has a 70% effectiveness.

People who have reached the age of 50 years can be effectively prevented with a single vaccination.

If you have ever had chickenpox, you should consider getting the shingles vaccine Zostavax (Snake Needle) as early as possible.


Uses factory licensed US MSD pharmaceutical company Zostavax Compaq (Snake Needle) vaccine

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